Ultimate Worm Chow Recipe: Worm Food to Optimise Vermicompost Production

The Ultimate Worm Chow Recipe: Worm Addict Approved!

Firstly, What is Worm Chow?

cup of worm chow using the Worm Addict worm chow recipe

Worm chow is a specialized feed designed to optimize the health and productivity of worms in a composting bin or worm farm. While worms usually consume organic waste like kitchen scraps, worm chow serves as a supplementary nutrient boost. It’s a mixture of ingredients such as grains, flour, and sometimes a bit of sugar, formulated to support the microorganisms and bacteria in the bin. These microorganisms, in turn, help the worms break down food more efficiently, ultimately leading to richer, more fertile compost. Making your own worm chow is a cost-effective way to keep your worm bin thriving, and it often incorporates household items that might otherwise go to waste.

Lets get into the recipe!

Ingredients You’ll Need

  1. Expired Weetabix or Bran Flakes
  2. Expired Oats
  3. Bread Flour Past its Expiry Date
  4. A Dash of Sugar

Why Expired Goods?

Worms aren’t fussy eaters. They love stale Weetabix and expired oats just as much as fresh ones. Using expired products is not only cost-efficient but also eco-friendly, as it reduces waste.

Step-by-Step Worm Chow Recipe

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

Search your kitchen for Weetabix, oats, and bread flour that you might’ve forgotten about. Make sure you also have a bit of sugar handy.

Step 2: Measure the Ingredients

Don’t be too particular with measurements. Aim to use roughly equal amounts of Weetabix, oats, and bread flour.

Step 3: The Importance of Bread Flour

Even if it’s past its expiry date, bread flour contains valuable fibre, seeds, and other nutrients that worms love.

Step 4: Add Sugar Sparingly

A little sugar can go a long way in promoting healthy bacteria and microorganisms in your worm bin, but don’t overdo it unless you want to attract ants.

Step 5: Blend It All Together

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or jug blender and grind until you get a fine powder. While jug blenders aren’t ideal, they can get the job done.

When and How to Use Your Worm Chow

  • Starting a new worm bin? Use some of this chow to give your worms a head start.
  • Spread the chow evenly across the top of your bin. Avoid clumping it to prevent a gooey mess.
  • You can mix the chow with kitchen scraps, but considering the nutrient richness of scraps, it’s often better used sparingly as a treat for your worms.


Creating your own worm chow recipe is not only a money-saver but also an excellent way to repurpose expired goods. Follow these steps and keep your worms healthier and happier than ever!

That’s it, folks! Give this DIY worm chow recipe a try and watch your worm bin thrive.

1 thought on “Ultimate Worm Chow Recipe: Worm Food to Optimise Vermicompost Production”

  1. Pingback: A Comprehensive Guide to a Homemade Worm Bin

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